There are many decent, responsible and respectful Ghanaians living abroad but it appears those who misconduct themselves are becoming like they’re representive of all of us.

Let me make it clear that NO Ghanaian professional, real academic or anyone occupying a responsible position would be engaging in any insults and bad conducts.

Many professionals, academics and highly reputable people are affiliated with professional and regulatory bodies and colleges that hold many of us accountable in person, offline and online.

Besides, that kind of ghetto life is not the standard here, we owe it to our families, communities and the people we serve to conduct ourselves properly and responsibly.

Many real professionals have Standards of Practice and professional and personal codes of conducts that would frown and even punish any conducts that will bring dishonour, disrepute and bad image to their professions, regularatory college and the organization or agency or employer with or for which the individual works.

Engaging in insults, bad conducts, bullying, sexism, racism, discrimination, fraud, trolling, pedophilia, breach of privacy, ill and degrading treatment are prohibited acts or conducts in many jurisdictions.

It is absolutely appalling how these seemingly newbies and known it all who have a very simplistic worldview are somewhat tarnishing the reputation of all of us.

I personally don’t support any rudeness, disrespect or insults being hurled on anyone particularly on our political leaders.

It is immature, wrong and abhorrent. We don’t contribute to nattion building with insults, hate, nepotism, anger and incitement of violence and aggression.

We build a nation by showing our worth, getting involved in the political and development processes in whatever manner we can or have expertise in. We build a nation with a shared goal and offering real alternatives to the status quo.

We resolve our differences by acknowledging our diversity, figuring our workable mechanisms to engage and dialogue.

We DON’T build a nation by destroying others or existing structures. We build by protecting and improving existing structures, infrastructures and mechanisms.

We build a nation with understanding, unity and finding a middle ground.

We build a nation with respect, honesty, courtesy and decency.

We build a nation by holding ourselves accountable and responsible for our acts and working as a team.

There are decent Diasporians and they are not the ones misbehaving on social media.

Thank you.

Be good and kind out there, always, always!

Akosua G
Ontario, Canada
May 24, 2021